How Focusing on Your Strengths Can Lead to Career Fulfilment

How Focusing on Your Strengths Can Lead to Career Fulfilment

Identifying and embracing your strengths is key to feeling fulfilled and satisfied in work and life. This article shares different ways to identify one's strengths and two case studies of career coaching clients who have done so, resulting in greater career fulfilment, satisfaction and confidence.

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How to Flourish; Tips for Your Career and Life

How to Flourish; Tips for Your Career and Life

Flourishing encompasses more than just one aspect of life or well-being and instead takes into account things like life satisfaction and a sense of purpose. In this article, I share ideas for how you can flourish in your career and life.

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Curate, cultivate, and create; my intentional approach for increased clarity and confidence

Curate, cultivate, and create; my intentional approach for increased clarity and confidence

We all want to feel clear about what we are doing and why and have the confidence to make it happen. There are two phrases that keep me focused and intentional in my actions. This article explores what the phrases mean, and how they can benefit YOU in your career and life, including sharing ideas and opportunities to apply the approaches in your career and life for increased clarity and confidence.

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Stay confident during times of change; support yourself with four things

Stay confident during times of change; support yourself with four things

During times of change, we all need support, and we can do this for ourselves by identifying our four things. This simple approach provides clarity about what is important and simplifies our requirements to what is essential for YOU. In this way, you are supported to move through a period of transition and change with greater confidence.

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How to be confident; start with ABC

How to be confident; start with ABC

When you feel confident everything becomes easier, whether it’s in your career, business or life. In this article, I explore how you can increase your confidence today by taking an ABC approach. With insights and practical action steps, you'll be feeling more confident in no time!

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6 key learnings after 6 years as a certified coach; lessons for career, business and life

6 key learnings after 6 years as a certified coach; lessons for career, business and life

After working for 6 years as a certified coach, I share in this article the 6 key learnings that have been most impactful in my coaching business, career and life in general. The article includes tips for how you too can apply these learnings in your own career, business or life.

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